Tilt Commercial is pleased to present 65 Gordon Road East, Osborne Park to the market For Sale.
All units are now Under Offer. The top floor consisting of 14 units on one Certificate of Title is available for purchase.
• First level units which are only accessed via a lift (rated @ 1,250kg)
• Elevator for easy access to the upper floors, toilet facilities on site, ample parking
• High level security including automatic electric gates, security alarms for each unit and CCTV surveillance via monitored security
• Solar panels to reduce energy costs
• Fire walls, 3m (approx.) wide corridors, temperature and humidity built in design
• The units are great for archiving and document storage, white collar business storage, personal possessions if you have enough of them, storing valuables such as memorabilia, art and antiques
• The units are private, discrete and secure with every unit having its own alarm and fire alarm
• Lighting in each unit
• Power available onsite
• Fire rated wall panels that also have great thermal properties
• The building is designed to minimise fluctuations in temperature and humidity to protect people's valuables
• Great for professionals (accountants/ doctors etc.) looking at document storage or furniture /homeware storage
• Not suitable for car / boat / caravan storage
For further details or to arrange an inspection, please contact the exclusive listing agent Robert Luca.